
All subscriptions include unlimited daily calls and detailed call analytics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the price include sales tax?
No. Where applicable, you might have to provide country or state specific sales tax.
How much do you charge for VoIP minutes?
DandyDialer does not provide VoIP minutes and requires a third party SIP/VoIP gateway provider to originate the calls. As such, we don't have any reason to charge customers based on VoIP minutes or number of calls.
How can I purchase these packages?
You can use the purchase links above or use the online store available at Settings > Subscription > Available Packages. To prevent abuse, online store is only enabled for verified users.
Is there any setup fee?
There is no setup fee.
Is there any other hidden fee?
There is absolutely no other hidden fee. Being honest with the customer is important for us.
What types of payment do you accept?
Credit cards including MasterCard, Visa and Amex. Paypal is also supported. Additionaly, we accept Bitcoin and Etherium.
Can I change my plan at a later time?
Yes, you can upgrade and downgrade your plan at anytime. Upgrades are effective immediately and rest of the month is billed at a pro-rate. Downgrades are effective at the end of the billing month.
Do you offer pricing for nonprofit organizations?
Yes, send us a message and we'll set you up on our nonprofit pricing.
If you have any further questions, please drop them at contact page.